Este cerdo islámico además de cobrar un millón de libras de los infieles ingleses, sigue animando en internet a atentar contra Occidente
Abu Qatada, el líder de al Qaeda cuya expulsión impiden los jueces británicos ha cobrado ya más de un millón de libras de ayuda social.
Publicado por AMDG en 1/Julio/2008
Esto es lo que ha recibido del contribuyente británico:
** Legal aid for his initial battle to remain came to about £20,000.
** Between 1993 and 2002, he and his expanding family are said to have received £1,000 a month in state handouts. Total £108,000.
** Since he was locked up six years ago, the Muslim cleric’s wife and five children have continued to receive an estimated £800 a month. Total £60,000.
** The cost of keeping him behind bars for the last six years is estimated at £300,000, while his marathon legal quest to avoid extradition to Jordan is thought to have cost another £500,000 since
** Out of prison, he will have to observe a 22-hour curfew, wear a tag, and live in a MI5 safehouse. At great expense to the taxpayer, he will also be under round-the-clock surveillance by police and the security services. Total cost of all this is estimated at between £300,000 and £500,000 per year.
Y contando. Actualmente la familia cobra 1000 libras al mes de ayuda, sin embargo, lo primero que ha hecho tras salir de la cárcel es colgar en Internet un informe de 71 páginas llamando a los musulmanes a atentar contra Occidente.
Ya te digo que esto se soluciona “aplicando la ley”. Lo que no me explico es cómo no se ha producido ya una revolución. El número de políticos que acaban su vida en la horca es bajísimo, sorprendentemente. Desde luego, el pueblo no es lo que era.
British Al-Qaeda Leader Celebrates Freedom By Calling For Violent Jihad
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